
Sunday, August 21, 2005

On Friday, we discovered an air compressor's gone missing from the site. So I'm all creeped out that someone went back there to steal stuff. And I worry that if they got something one time, they'll keep coming back.

The builder has gone hypersecurity, locking up stuff in Galusha.

Turns out the shower in Mabel's first-floor bath wouldn't have passed code because it was too deep. Adding to the problem was that the space got framed in so tight meanwhile that we couldn't get the shower out to return it. So there was some post-pulling going on Friday just to extricate the thing and send it back to the warehouse. I will end up with the now-classic tub-surround combo, which isn't a bad thing considering art projects that may need soaking.

The Grok God came and picked some more formica patterns for Mabel. After choosing so conservatively for Galusha, it's fun doing Mabel and getting a little crazy. OK, not too crazy, but there is this pattern called "Paper" that has me all excited. Also, I'm _this_ close to ordering up the wallbed.

Oh yeah, and the crew hit my neighbors' house again ...

This better be a better week.

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