
Sunday, November 14, 2004

It took a few stops at different corners of the city's Bureau of Development Services complex for me to find the approved plans for Mabel and Galusha, with the permit numbers scrawled across them, and the reams of correction paperwork stapled in a thick wad at the core of the rolls.

The sign above the desk where I found them said: Process Management. The guy manning the counter didn't know what it meant either.

After a visit to the cashier, I leave the building feeling more invested in the project and amazed by how heavy the paper roll feels in my arms. Little did I know the permits would be the easy part compared with the lenders' "process management." My expectations have dropped so low, I'm amazed that one of them even returns my phone calls. The other I paid a surprise visit Friday, to deliver copies of the permits and the contract with the builder. You would think a whiff of guilt might come off the guy for his terrible customer service, but no, he hardly blinked. It's clear I need them more than they need me, which makes me feel not so confident.

Adventure, however, keeps coming, even on a small scale. I tried to dig out some of the jagged, dangerous pipes and other metal fittings out of the back yard of Construction HQ this morning. One cement-anchored thing doesn't seem to have an end to it, so I'm thinking well? Tomb? Tank? Munitions depot?

The footings for the world's biggest swing-set footings seem a minor problem to me now; I might just try and sweet-talk the guy the drives the 'dozer.

Also, I cleaned out the carport so it's all ready to roll, that is, under the wheels of the aforementioned vehicle. It means, too, I won't have to worry long about the wind yanking it away or where all the puddles come from inside.

Lately, I'm looking at trees like crazy, thinking I might start planting some this winter, at least in the back of Construction HQ, which could do with some nice-nice greenscape to balance out the heavy industry. It's possible that piece might go on the market at this time next year and the better it looks, the faster it moves. I still got the lucky FSBO sign!

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