
Monday, November 08, 2004

Guess what? The permits are ready! OK, not really ready. The architect called to say they were done first thing this morning, then e-mailed later that the city would still need a couple more days to, I don't know, ink their stamps?

Anyway, it's not like the bankers are ready to go so, like Sartre, I wallow in nothingness, appreciating the lack of momentum and the chance to do things like move my compost pile. I had been meaning to do it for at least six months, and yesterday it finally happened. I got another smile out of Dennis, who actually had been trying to decompose tinfoil.

Without that big plastic marker in the back yard of Construction HQ, the lots behind loom larger and certainly more accessible. It's like the spot on the wall. You ignore it for eons, take a moment to erase it, and then you get that satisfied feeling when you don't see it there anymore. Why did I wait so long?

Pretty soon I might even get brave enough to clean up the carport, which I have already deleted in my mind.

I called the bankers, and believe it or not they're still hemming and hawing over the appraisal. For instance, a bank honcho thought the land was valued too high, so here they go getting the appraiser to change it. And then they have the nerve to complain the appraiser's not standing by his numbers! I asked the banker what I could tell my builder, and he got all flustered, "Now, hold on there ... ," and I had to say I'd been holding on for the last three months waiting for the loans to close. Note to self: Keep second-choice bank lined up til the bitter end, so I'm not stuck like I am now.

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